Summer Plans…

What are your plans for the summer?

I will be hitting up a few cons and working my butt off to help create a fantastic New York Comic Con in October.


I will be at San Diego Comic Con in July. The main reason I am there? w00tstock. Oh, how I miss w00tstock. This is guaranteed to be an epic show. Not that I get to choose who will be in the show, but there have been some amazingly talented folks talking to ME to put in a good for them. I can only imagine what the P&S+A+W are dealing with. Actually, I can imagine, cause I know…. mmwwahahaha

After w00tstock on Thursday I will hit up the rest of the con and absorb that comic con world that I love. Well, less on the absorbing, more on the experiencing and partaking.


Gen Con-

Early August I’m off to Gen Con! I’m very excited to see the show, meet with friends and play some games. If you are going to be there, let me know! I’d love to meet up. I have a feeling there will be a few tweet ups that week.


PAX Prime-

In a perfect world I would be at PAX in August. I still hope to go, but it is dangerously close to the insanely busy season for New York Comic Con. There’s a lot to do to put on an amazing show. If I do make it to PAX you will know and we will hang out.


Somewhere in there I hope to see family and hit the Oregon coast.


JoCo Cruise Crazy-

In case you hadn’t heard, there’s a cruise….a Jonathan Coulton (Cult-0n) Cruise. I will be reprising my role as “Goddess of the Seas.” After last year’s success we are going to make this bigger and better and  Last year was a first time out, experiment type thing. This year we are going in with a better understanding of what we are doing and a track record to show what works. Many cool things planned.  WE ARE SO EXCITED!

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